APapers: FAQ and Answers
What will be the price of my paper?
We have developed an affordable pricing policy. The final cost of every order depends on the following factors: type of paper, academic level, number of pages, deadline, and additional services. To find out how much your project will cost, use the online calculator in the Order Form.
When will my paper be ready?
Your essay will be completed according to the deadline you indicate in the order form. You can choose among several options between three hours and fourteen days. The countdown starts right after the payment for the order. We assure you that our authors always deliver their papers in time. Please note that the time frame for the order is set for the initial version of the project. Any revision will require extra time, so mind this when ordering a paper.
Who will complete my order?
We hire only the Ph.D. and Master’s writers. Therefore, your essay will be written by one of them. All of them have profound knowledge and skills to come up with a qualitative paper of any level of difficulty. We guarantee that we will find an expert in your field who will be able to write an authentic and correct paper for you. You can also choose a Preferred Writer if you have one.
What if my professor asks to use specific sources for my essay?
You can upload any additional files in the Files section on your Control Panel to help your writer come up with exactly what you need. In this section, you can upload any text documents, PDF files, and media files. If you face any difficulties with uploading files, please contact our Customer Support team.
I need my paper formatted in a specific academic style, can you do this?
Yes, we will format your paper for free. We will format it according to the required academic style, whether it is APA, MLA, Harvard, or Chicago/Turabian.
How many pages do I have to choose?
One page equals 275 words. You should choose the number of pages depending on your professor’s requirements. Do not forget that title and reference pages are not included in the total page count.
What if I need to change the initial requirements for the paper?
If you need to change the requirements, you can either request a paid revision or place a new order. Please note that free revisions are possible only when the initial requirements for the project stay the same.
How will I receive the project?
You will get a notification as soon as your order is completed. Then, you should log into your account and read the preview version of the draft thoroughly. If you like the paper, then accept the order and download the final version of the document. If, however, you want anything to be changed, request a revision.
What if the author misses the deadline?
This is almost impossible, but if it happens, you should notify Customer Support representatives. If the order was delayed because of the writer, we will send your money back. If the paper was delivered not in time for another reason, we will discuss this case and rearrange the deadline.
Can I request a refund?
Yes, we have a Money-back guarantee. You can request a refund if the writer fails to deliver a paper that is written according to your requirements. However, in such a case, you can request a revision. If it is not applicable, our Quality Assurance Committee will analyze the case and act in accordance with our refund policy.